Justice Delayed = Justice Denied

    2012: 24,923
    2013: 33,707
    2014: 36,735
    2015: 34,651
    2016: 38,997
    2017: 32,599

    These numbers just define the rape crime that gets registered every year and comes to light. NO! getting justice or no is not the concern of these numbers. 99.1% faced by the women in India go unreported. But this 99.1% has strongly got the relation with the mindset of people which includes – media, law, justice, respect, and ………… fill in according to your understanding. The (wrong) perspective behind the 99.1%? you all know it, let me tell you where the mindset of 99.1% lack – they understand the violation of their dignity(if they report) but miserably fail to realize the violation of consent.

    Started with 2012 because until then I didn’t know the real meaning of what the word ‘rape’ actually means. December 16, 2012 – The Nirbhaya case, when the whole country was out on roads demanding to hang the rapists who committed the heinous act – raping the girl and after injuring her they left her to die. This is the least and best possible way I can sum up the whole incident without letting anybody feel you even the slightest possible pain the girl or “India’s daughter” faced.
    After the 2012 rape incident – there was unrest in the whole country. To witness all of this, this led the government of India to reform its penal code for crimes of rape. As the year 2012 made us experience such a shameful act towards the women section of the society, the threat started to increase and so were the laws started to get customized accordingly.
    According to National Crime Record Bureau, the number of rape cases doubled in the last 17 years. It was registered in 2014 that UP witnessed the highest number of gang rapes with 2300 being registered in the government record. 106 rapes happen every day with 1 girl getting rapes in each span of 20 minutes(2016-2017 record). And do I need to mention that’s Delhi has the highest rape rate in India? Is the population a problem for rapes happening in India? Well, I don’t think so because Odisha and Rajashtan being the less populated feature among the worst states for the number of rapes.

    I can come up and provide a lot and a lot of stats about the crimes in India that happen every minute, every hour, every day, every year. But what about that? Remember I told you these numbers have got nothing to do with justice because I feel it just gets registered to get registered and not fall under and increase the % of crimes that go blank or unreported(correct me if I am wrong). Honestly speaking, coming across a rape case like that of 2012 and the reforms in IPC I thought and believed a change in the number of rapes happening in India and also the reactions that these cases get. I guess out of 100 not even 5 get the attention of the nation. Irony – even this needs to be huge to get the support( of law, media, politics, celebrity).

    NOTE: Do not forget to feel bad about the cases that fly in the air vanishes away (go unreported)