The Wellness Club Gym Express owned by Kamlesh Raghwani, is India’s premium gym chain of the franchise, announced the Grand opening of The Wellness Club Gym Express at Charholi road, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune by Bollywood Actress Mugdha Veira Godse. Mugdha has been India’s top fashion model. An aspirational figure amongst the women, Mugdha creates the glam at the brand identity of The Wellness Club gyms. A religious yoga practitioner, Mugdha follows her fitness regime and one of the most sought-after names in the Fashion, Films, Modelling Industry. The brand Wellness Club Gym Express has a total of 3+13 (franchise gym) in India with a vision to improve the self-esteem of the world by Enriching life through better health, convenience, community, and inspiration-driven franchise ownership.
On the occasion of the launch, Mugdha shared fitness tips and explained how it is important to be fit and energetic she said a healthy diet and exercise are key to help you build the immunity you need to fight off any disease. Exercise consistently and stay dynamic by doing everyday tasks and having an activity schedule. Blend it up with stretches, strolling, and yoga to help you stay fit and in shape. Regular physical activity benefits both the body and mind. It’s also good for our mental health – reducing the risk of depression, cognitive decline, and delay the onset of dementia- and improve overall feelings.
Nitin Singh Thakur Partner The Wellness Gym Equipment said We have a dynamic mix of elements that make up our culture. It starts with a shared vision and mission, and it reaches down into the very DNA of our employees, franchisees, and partners. The wellness brand is one of India’s most profitable gym brands endorsed by actor Rahul Dev and Mugdha Godse as the ambassadors. The brand promises to cater to the masses with their fitness goals. Immunity has become the key factor for survival & the principles of strength training and cardio workouts have come back into more prominence.