The Pune district’s night curfew has been changed to 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. from the previous 8 p.m. to 7 a.m. Ajit Pawar, Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister, presided over a Covid-19 review meeting that led to the decision. Restaurants, restaurants, shopping centres, and religious institutions will also be closed for seven days.
Restaurants, on the other hand, will be authorised to provide food parcel and delivery services until 10 p.m., according to Pune Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao. The order will go into effect on Saturday, April 3rd, and will be reviewed the following Friday. There is a state-wide night-curfew in place from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., as well as other strict measures. Only essential workers will be able to use the PMPML bus service. PMPML can provide buses to businesses and other organisations that require transportation for their employees.
Rao added, except for weddings and last rites, no social, cultural, or political activities will be permitted for the next seven days. He went on to say that the administration had begun an ambitious vaccination programme and that it would continue to raise daily vaccinations until it reached 1 lakh daily vaccinations in a few days.
The city reported the highest number of new Covid-19 infections – 8,593 – on Wednesday. Pawar had warned at the most recent Covid-19 review meeting on March 26 that if the situation did not improve, the government would be forced to enforce a “strict lockdown.”
Almost all elected representatives present at the meeting, including Members of Parliament Girish Bapat, Shrirang Barne, Vandana Chavan, Amol Kolhe, and Pune Mayor Murlidhar Mohol, rejected the idea of implementing a full lockdown and instead suggested that the police enforce and efficiently introduce stringent curbs. Additional curbs at public places, markets, and public transportation, according to Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao and PMC Commissioner Vikram Kumar, are essential to reduce the number of cases and ensure that those who are seriously infected get hospital treatment.